The Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC) is seeking interest from potential organizations to co-host and support investment in the International Indigenous Tourism Conference 2025 (IITC 2025). Any non-profit, profit, Indigenous or non-Indigenous organization or event planner is eligible to submit regardless of location or ownership from anywhere in Canada.

IITC has been successfully built, in partnership with ITAC for the past nine years having been delivered in British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Alberta, and Saskatchewan, with 2023’s IITC being hosted in Winnipeg, Manitoba. ITAC has continued to build IITC registration delegate lists and is prepared to share information from prior conference planning to the successful host organization interested in co-hosting IITC 2025.



International Indigenous Tourism Conference 2025 Project Details:

The co-host organization will provide a written submission that outlines the following items:

  • Introduction about the bidding organization.
  • Clarification of key team members and their bios, including key lead for potential
    negotiations with IITC.
  • Outline of past or current involvement with local Indigenous people, Indigenous tourism,
    including stated Indigenous policies with the organization, if non-Indigenous.
  • Outline experience in supporting conferences, particularly with a conference of this size.
  • Confirm sponsorship potential to be considered co-host in your location if part of your
    submission. Please note that past IITC co-hosts have committed a minimal direct cash of approximately 25% of the overall conference budget as their sponsorship (expectation of a minimum investment of $250,000. If successful, the co-host will be required to pay ITAC their IITC 2025 sponsorship within 30 days after public announcement for the IITC 2025 expected in spring, 2024.
  • IITC establishes a specific conference working committee each year. Therefore, the co- host needs to identify their representatives who would participate on the IITC 2025 Steering Committee.
  • It is preferred that co-host bidders have attended past IITC’s; preference may be given to host destinations that have sponsored the IITC ahead of their submission.


  • ITAC and its Event Production team will work with the co-host organization to prepare IITC planning document as soon this RFP is successful.
    • Target 1,200 registered delegates.
    • Involve no less than 10 international countries.
    • Robustpre-IndigenoustourismtoursfordelegatesandIndigenous-focused
      familiarization tours for travel trade and media.
    • Adequate space for plenary, breakout sessions, cultural tours, gala award
      evenings and all provided meals for delegates.
  • The host organization is prepared to work in strong partnership with ITAC.
  • ITAC will lead critical path IITC process document with co-host committed to supporting.
  • The documentation will outline any additional requirements by the proponent including

    • Process to support IITC 2025 overall budget in partnership with ITAC.
    • Proposed conference location, accommodations and catering for delegates
      based on the dates approved by ITAC for no less than 1,200 delegates.
    • Process to review ITAC list of past national and international delegates for
      marketing and invitations.
    • Process to attract new conference sponsors to the event (those who have not
      previously sponsored an IITC and are not included as part of the co-host bid).
    • Support ITAC to recommend and secure national and international presenters of
      interest to the delegates based on the conference theme.
    • Assist ITAC to deliver the National Indigenous Tourism Awards Gala evening.
    • Assist ITAC with Indigenous cultural tours for delegates including identification of
      Indigenous tourism operators and transportation to and from off-site locations as
    • ProcessforamplifyingIITC2025tolocaldelegates,includingconferenceagenda
      instruction for registration, accommodations, Gala Awards and Indigenous
      Cultural Event(s).
    • Assist ITAC negotiate conference accommodation rate with hotels.
    • Consideration of Indigenous food and beverage inclusions throughout
      conference program, including the ability for the Indigenous Culinary of Associated Nations (ICAN) to collaborate, develop menus, access on-site kitchens and include traditional Indigenous food ingredients in menu development.


The term of the co-host organization will commence immediately after the RFP is awarded expected in April 2024 and will be completed two months after the date of the IITC 2025 once determined.

It is anticipated an agreement to host the IITC 2025 will commence April 2024 and as such expire 60 days after the IITC 2025 date as determined.

References (Optional):

ITAC may conduct reference checks of the successful host organization. ITAC will not enter into an agreement to host the IITC 2025 with any host organization whose references, in the opinion of ITAC, do not confirm the information provided in the RFP.

Submission Information:

The host organization must outline the required information described in the Requirements Section in a precise manner. ITAC is seeking a 3-6 page outline in order to assess potential host organizations.

The host organization shall also submit the following information with their quotation:

  • Sign and return the RFP page as written confirmation.
  • Provide a minimum of two (2) references and their contact information. (Optional)


All responses to the RFP and any inquiries regarding the services of the anticipated contract or the administrative details of the RFP are to be directed to:

Keith Henry, President and CEO
Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada
8th Floor, 333 Seymour Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 5A7
Phone: 778-388-5013