Destination Canada and the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada partnered on a research study in 2017 to gain an understanding of how and what the USA traveller thinks about Indigenous tourism experiences in Canada.
The Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada created this report to help you, Indigenous tourism entrepreneurs and communities involved in tourism, to make the most of the research findings and maximize your marketing plans.[su_row]
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The research outcomes highlight five key findings of the perceptions that the American traveller has of Indigenous tourism experiences:
- Authenticity is Key
- Interest is There, But Awareness is Low
- Indigenous Tourism Differentiation
- Canadian Differentiation
- Strong and Compelling Positioning
[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#A20000″ size=”6″ radius=”5″]View the 2017 USA Market Research Report[/su_button]
If you are interested in learning more about the full study including research methods, markets, and findings, please go to