ITAC in partnership with allied researchers is creating sustainable livelihoods for Indigenous women entrepreneurs in tourism in the Canadian North.

Information gathered through the Northern WE in Tourism study will result in increased collaboration between women entrepreneurs in the North to identify pathways to sustainable livelihoods.

Ensuring women have access to the resources, services and networks required to support them in building sustainable livelihoods through tourism will increase well-being and strengthen destination development in the Northwest Territories, Yukon, Nunavut, Northern Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador.

Click here to visit the Northern WE website.

About the Study

The Northern WE in Tourism study provides ITAC with insights, data and means to fix a broken system. This partnership will apply Indigenous knowledge and to build a systems response based on the recommendations and relationships developed in this study.

Connecting Indigenous women to networks that link them to the social determinants of health through tourism will improve personal well-being and enhance the well-being and economic success of their home communities.

The Purpose of the Study

  • Working alongside women in the North to identify pathways to culturally responsive training, resources and wrap-around services by exploring the journey of best practices in each community we will make informed recommendations for investment.

Get Involved as a Participant

Participant information is protected and will only be shared as aggregate content in the report; women may withdraw either themselves or their contributions from the study at any time.

Women entrepreneurs and small to medium-sized business owners can participate by consenting to a:

  • one-to-one interview
  • sharing circle
  • visioning circle
  • in-person and live-streamed events

We encourage women to join the Circle and sign up to share their stories and experiences as a women entrepreneur in the North.

Become an Ally

The Northern WE in Tourism team will be conducting interviews with organizations that identify as providing training, wrap-around support, emotional support, financing/funding, networking opportunities and resources to women entrepreneurs in tourism in the North.

If any organization that identifies as an ally and provides these services to women entrepreneurs in tourism in the North is interested in participating in an interview, please contact


If you have questions about the Northern We in Tourism study please email Yvette Rasmussen at or Dr. Sonya Graci at



This study is led by the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC) and Dr. Sonya Graci, in partnership with the Future Skills Centre and the Diversity Institute at the Toronto Metropolitan University.


The Northern WE project is funded by the Government of Canada under the Future Skills program.