A story has come out in the media today regarding issues between the Xeni Gwet’in First Nation and non-Indigenous tourism operators in the Chilcotin Region of British Columbia. The Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada is disappointed to learn of the breakdown in communications and acknowledges the frustration expressed from both sides of the negotiation table on the lack of movement towards a solution.
For the past 10 months, Keith Henry, President & CEO of Indigenous Tourism Canada, and long-time member of the tourism industry, has been working on behalf of the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada, along with well-known BC tourism leader Pat Corbett, as mediators with both sides of the issue to identify a solutions-focused outcome.
The Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada supports the series of recommendations that have been established, and agreed-upon by both parties, and outlines a solution for the future which both respects both Indigenous land title and the needs of non-Indigenous tourism operators in the Chilcotin region. We look forward to a resolution in the near future, and will continue to work with the impacted parties and all levels of government.
Media contacts:
Brian Cant, Beattie Tartan: 250-888-8729 (cell) or brian.cant@onlybeattie.com
Keith Henry, ITAC: 604-639-4408 or keith@indigenoustourism.ca