Showcase Canada Asia Call for Applications
Issued: Monday, July 9, 2018
Deadline: Friday, July 27th, 2018 – 4:00 PM PST
The Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC) is pleased to issue the following CALL FOR APPLICATIONS to qualified Indigenous tourism businesses and Indigenous Tourism Marketing Organizations to participate as sellers in the National Indigenous Tourism Showcase Program at the Showcase Canada Asia marketplace in Beijing, China October 9-12, 2018.
ITAC has created the National Indigenous Tourism Showcase Program initiative to increase participation from qualified Indigenous tourism providers in the upcoming Showcase Canada Asia travel tradeshow being held October 9th – 12th, 2018 at the China World Hotel, Beijing. Showcase Canada Asia is an appointment-based, business-to-business marketplace which brings Canadian suppliers together with over 100 qualified buyers from mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
There is a growing global demand for authentic Indigenous cultural tourism from Asian markets prompting ITAC to host this third annual National Indigenous tourism section on the tradeshow floor during Showcase Canada Asia. This showcase is designed to feature authentic Indigenous tourism experiences, while facilitating productive business connections with qualified buyers.
Indigenous businesses or Indigenous Tourism Marketing Organizations must submit a letter of interest (one page maximum) to provide details on the history and intent to develop programs for the Chinese travel trade in order to participate in the National Indigenous Tourism Showcase Program.
Please include name of your representative for your business or organization application, sent by email to:
Mr. Sebastien Desnoyers, Sales and Marketing Manager
Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada
Phone: (418) 655-0210 Email:
The deadline for submissions is Friday, July 27th, 2018 at 4:00 PM PST.
ITAC will review submissions and confirm successful applicants on Monday, July 30th, 2018.
The Process:
- ITAC is undertaking a call of interest to Indigenous partners and receive and vet applications. This section will comprise of 10 partners.
- ITAC will subsidize all registration costs for this event for up to 2 delegates per company (valued at $4,000 CAD). Travel and accommodation are at your own cost.
- Travel subsidies of $500 CAD per selling organization will be available after the event upon ATAC’s receipt of a report including contact information, meeting notes and project sales figures of all appointments.
- Translation subsidies of $500 CAD per selling organization for any material being updated in Mandarin for use at Showcase Asia 2018.
- For approved Indigenous partners already registered (prior to ITAC call of interest), Showcase Asia Project Office will process and provide refunds once they receive final approved list from ITAC.
Appendix A – Selection Criteria
Selection Criteria for Indigenous tourism businesses
Indigenous tourism businesses must be “Market-Ready” to ensure the following:
- Has been operating in a safe and professional manner for at least one year
- Carries adequate insurance totalling no less than $2 million in liability
- Has current business and operating licenses, registrations and permits
- Has a website that honestly and accurately represents an Indigenous tourism business
- Accepts credit cards and debit cards as means of payment
- Handles reservations/inquiries by telephone, fax and email on a year-round basis
- Handles and is able to provide confirmation of booking arrangements within 24 hours
- Has a product that is of interest to tourists, both domestic and international In addition, Indigenous tourism businesses must also ensure the following “Export-Ready” criteria are also met:
- Demonstrate an adequate budget and marketing plan
- Understand the roles played by receptive tour operators, tour operators, travel wholesalers, and retail travel agents and understand rack or retail pricing, agent commissions and wholesale net rates at each level
- Be willing to include receptive tour operators in the marketing and sales plan and provide contracted wholesale net rates to receptive tour operators
- Provide detailed pricing and program information to tour operators and wholesalers at least one year in advance of selling season
- Be prepared to set up billing arrangements with the tour operator, wholesale agency or receptive tour operator
- If planning to pursue group business, ensure ability to accommodate and adapt to the needs of the market (e.g. tour bus access and parking, washroom facilities, maximum group size, group pricing, and frontline staff that speak the language of target markets)
- Carry adequate insurance (receptive tour operator can sometimes add suppliers to their existing policies at nominal cost)
- Provide support (free or reduced rates) for international media and travel trade familiarization tours
- Offer currency exchange rates consistent with industry norms
Selection criteria for Indigenous Tourism Marketing Organizations
Indigenous Tourism Marketing Organizations are organizations or committees that represent a specific provincial, territorial, or regional Indigenous tourism destination. They serve as the “official” contact point for the destination for tour operators, individual visitors or meeting professionals.
Indigenous Tourism Marketing Organizations registering as sellers must:
- Represent Indigenous tourism destinations
- Have an international marketing plan and represent market ready/export ready Indigenous tourism businesses