August 30, 2017, Huron Wendat Territory (Wendake, Quebec) – The Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC) has signed a 4-year memorandum of understanding with Tourisme Autochtone Québec / Quebec Aboriginal Tourism (QAT) to formalize the working relationship between the two organizations.
The MOU between ITAC and QAT recognizes that the two organizations were established for the development and support of the Aboriginal tourism industry in Canada. Both ITAC and QAT understand that Aboriginal tourism continues to elevate Canada as a destination in the international market for Aboriginal tourism experiences. The agreement includes contributions of $200,000 from ITAC and $800,000 from QAT to allow the two organizations to leverage resources, divide marketing tactics, direct funding requests, and establish a structure for ongoing translation services on all official documentation to fulfill the objectives of ATAC’s Five Year Plan.
ATAC’s strategic five-year plan (2016-2021) outlines target goals for the Aboriginal tourism industry in Canada, which include by 2021: A $300 million increase in the annual Canadian GDP from Aboriginal tourism, a total of 40,233 Aboriginal tourism workers and 50 new Aboriginal tourism operators at export-ready status.
“Quebec Aboriginal Tourism has been a constant champion of the work that the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada is managing on a national scale, and their long-term support has been invaluable to the growth of our organization,” says Keith Henry, President & CEO of ITAC. “We are delighted to sign this formal MOU with their organization.”
An important element in achieving a vibrant Aboriginal tourism industry in Canada is the continued sharing of experiences and expertise between the national and provincial organizations. ITAC recognizes QAT as its key partner in the province of Québec for growing Canada’s Aboriginal tourism industry with growth in revenues, jobs, and successful businesses.
“The formal structure of the MOU between our two organizations will allow both Quebec Aboriginal Tourism and the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada to continue to work toward long-term success as a growing and vibrant part of the national tourism industry,” says Dave Laveau, Executive Director, QAT.
ATAC’s goal as a non-profit is to grow and support a sustainable, culturally-rich Aboriginal tourism industry across Canada, sharing the experiences available to visitors from around the world. To learn more about ATAC, visit
About Tourisme Autochtone Québec / Quebec Aboriginal Tourism
Tourisme Autochtone Québec / Quebec Aboriginal Tourism is a bilingual (French-English) provincial Aboriginal association that is a stakeholder-based organization (established in 1991 as Société touristique Innu Inc.). QAT provides products and services to stimulate growth, best practices and market visibility for the authentic Aboriginal tourism industry. For more information, visit
About the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada
The Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC) works to improve the socio-economic condition of Aboriginal people through the provisions of economic development advisory services, tourism conferences, capacity development training and workshops, industry research and information for Aboriginal tourism operators and communities within the 13 regions; 10 provinces and three territories of Canada. ITAC develops relationships with other groups and regions with similar mandates, uniting the Aboriginal tourism industry in Canada and works to enable collective support, product development, promotion and marketing of authentic Aboriginal cultural tourism businesses in a respectful protocol. The ITAC Board is made up of Aboriginal tourism industry representatives from each of the provinces and territories. For more information, visit
Social media channels:
Twitter: @AboriginalCAN
Media contacts:
Brian Cant, Beattie Tartan: 250-592-3838 or
Keith Henry, ITAC: 604-639-4408 or
Dave Laveau, TAQ : 418-564-5733 or
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