Mohawk Territory (Montreal, Que.) – The Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC) continues to build partnerships with the tourism industry, governments, and Aboriginal leadership throughout Canada.  This week ITAC President and CEO Keith Henry along with ITAC board member Dave Laveau, who is also the Executive Director of Quebec Aboriginal Tourism, provided an update to hundreds of First Nations leaders attending the 36th Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Annual Assembly.

ITAC representatives provided a presentation featuring the work of the industry organization.  The ITAC presentation showcased the marketing success during Rendez Vous Canada in Niagara Falls in May by showing the welcome video which highlighted the ITAC national marketing brand approved this past year. The ITAC representatives also shared the main findings of a national study released in April of this year that provided a thorough assessment of the economic value of Aboriginal tourism in Canada. They also discussed the ITAC incorporation and shared the highlights from the Canadian Tourism Awards and the new National Aboriginal Cultural Tourism Award.  Finally, they presented a quick overview from the recent International Aboriginal Tourism Conference held in Quebec City in April.

“It was an honour to present an industry update for Aboriginal cultural tourism to First Nation leaders.  As soon as the presentation was concluded I was approached by a number of delegates to inquire on how to follow up on various exciting ITAC ideas,” says ITAC chairperson Keith Henry.  “Dave Laveau provided excellent input and shared information of significant impact this past year.”

“Thank you to Quebec’s Regional Chief Ghislan Picard for the strong support to ensure Aboriginal tourism was on the AFN agenda.  Support from First Nation leadership is important to our work in industry and our board will discuss future steps to increase the partnership with the AFN to ensure support for our industry.”


ITAC highlighted the identified national research barriers to growing Aboriginal tourism in Canada leading into the current ITAC Action Plan which focused ITAC on marketing tactics, training and experience development, and future governance development including longer term planning.

ITAC continues strong into the future and the support for positive next steps includes a presentation by ITAC representatives to the Canadian Council of Tourism Ministers in August in Manitoba, review of the 2nd National Aboriginal Cultural Tourism Award during the Canada Tourism Awards this fall, plus many other exciting initiatives.


For more information about the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada and to review the Aboriginal cultural tourism slide show and welcome video featured during RVC go to  

About the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada:

Originally formed as the Aboriginal Tourism Marketing Circle, in 2014 the Aboriginal Tourism Association was formally established. Over 20 Aboriginal tourism industry organizations and government representatives from across Canada are represented with ITAC. Through a unified Aboriginal tourism industry voice, ITAC focuses on creating partnerships between associations, organizations, government departments and industry leaders from across Canada to support the growth of Aboriginal tourism in Canada.


Media contact:

Brian Cant, Tartan Group: 250-592-3838, 250-888-8729 (cell) or

Keith Henry, Chair, ITAC: 778-388-5013 or

Click here to download this press release as a PDF.

Click here to download  ITAC Presentation July 8, 2015