Early bird registration is still open for the 2018 International Indigenous Tourism Conference (IITC) being held on Oct. 30 & 31, 2018 at TCU Place in Saskatoon, SK.
The seventh annual IITC will bring together delegates from the Canadian tourism industry, First Nations, Inuit, and Metis communities, as well as representatives from global Indigenous tourism organizations to discuss Indigenous tourism topics, barriers, opportunities and trends across Canada and the world.
This year, the theme is, “The Indigenous Tourism Economy: Learning Together and Sharing Our Stories.” The two-day schedule is now available online at www.indigenoustourismconference.com/agenda. Session topics include Shaping Indigenous Tourism in Canada, Developing Culinary Tourism, Update on ITAC’s National Research Project, and International partnerships.
The IITC is also home to the Indigenous Tourism Awards, where Indigenous tourism businesses from across Canada are recognized for their successes in marketing, leadership and innovation.
Confirmed event partners for IITC2018 include Tourism Saskatchewan, Tourism Saskatoon, and Indigenous Services & Northern Affairs Canada. Other event supporters include Parks Canada, Tourism Victoria and Destination Canada. For more information on the 2018 International Indigenous Tourism Conference, check out www.indigenuoustourismconference.com.